Sonntag, 17. April 2016

Der WuEste 34. Jahr 5. Monat 17. Tag im Jahre 5776

Tag 12587

Open Letter to Co-Dependents Anonymous International

High CoDA,
we claim direct redemption has to be made by Co-Dependents Anonymous International in such affairs of injury of faith re the twelfe traditions:

1. Tradition 5: "Each group has but one primary purpose to carry its message to other codependents who still suffer" has been injured by CoDA Resource Publishing, Inc.®.  


Buy Literature bu† no button to download as pdf/mp3 files per donation (7. Tradition).
2. Tradition 3: "The only requirement for membership in CoDA is a desire for healthy and loving relationships" has been injured by CoDA Deutschland e.V. as responsible operator of german 'coda-online meeting' as well as by Co-Dependents Anonymous International as responsible operator of hope42daycoda-online meetinglist.


----- Original Message -----
From: Immanuel
Sent: Sunday, March 27, 2016 12:54 AM
Subject: Einschreibung ins online-meeting
hier Immanuel, CoDA, mit der Bitte um Einschreibung ins online-meeting,
keep on loving,
Die Wahre Apostolische Signatur:  
- Frieden den Verlorenen -

Der ewige Bund grenzenloser Gemeinschaft in bedingungsloser Liebe, den die Göttin jedem Menschen ohne jede Voraussetzung schenkt, ist der einzige, ewige Bund Gottes mit den Menschen!

Blog :
----- Original Message -----
From: Immanuel
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2016 1:21 AM
Subject: Subscription into
High Matthew,
here Immanuel, CoDA, NA,
would you please subscribe my e-mail into hope42daycoda-online meetinglist, awaiting your reply,
The True Apostolic Signature: - Peace to The Lost Ones -

The Eternal Covenant's Boundless Community in  Unconditional Love Goddess is Presenting to all people without any prerequisite is the Only Eternal Covenant between God and humans


but no subscription has been happened yet, in this respect obviously my CoDA online membership has been refused by listkeepers as bouncers!

May be these're just my personal problems, so don't care anyway, however I guess these are just symptoms of a fanatic enemyship against god (Germany) and CoDA Resource Publishing, Inc.®. satanic collaboration with the blaspheming originator-deception-trust (New-Rom's DRM 911-war-syndicate). Please, keep always in mind, there is just One and Only Author and Creator of this world, and thus of CoDA's Literature too, mostly called God, any other authorship is just another satanic lie of the false prophet to support the demonic network of the moneky- and nazi-Beast. 

To repel these satanic attacks, We've decided to lodge a claim against CoDA, as pars pro toto for all the rest of the 12 Steps Communities perpetrators guilty the sacrilege of sinning of excluding and bargaining, before the Last Judgement for the purpose of clearance in such affairs.

In service,

thanks for sharing


on behalf of
The True Apostolic Signature:
 - Peace to The Lost Ones -
The Eternal Covenant's Boundless Community in  Unconditional Love Goddess is Presenting to all people without any prerequisite is the Only Eternal Covenant between God and humans

aus: Heretics Anonymous  - The Basic Book
Primatenverlag, Lunatic City 5776

Der Doppelcharacter der Wahrheit

Wahrheit ist absolutistisch der primären und einzig originären Urheberin, also DER EWIGEN SELBSTMITTEILUNG GRENZENLOSER LIEBE, relativistisch hingegen ist Wahrheit ein symbolisch generalisiertes Communicationsmedium in welchem vermittels der Anwendung des functions-specifisch differencierten Codes wahr/unwahr Wissen als solches qualificiert wird.
aus: Das siebente Siegel
Primatenverlag, Lunatic City 5776

Eine Welle, die nicht auch zugleich Teilchencharacter aufweist, wirkt räumlich simultan, Gravitationswellen weisen also keinen Zeitvector auf, woraus folgt, dass das Gravitationsfeld räumlich stets gleichzeitig und also actuell ist; insofern eignen sich Gravitationswellen als Informationsträger zur räumlichen Systemadministration, die starke Wechselwirkung hingegen, aufgrund der specifisch differencierten Halbwertzeiten, zur zeitlichen Administration des Systems.
aus: Lehrbuch der Pataphysic
Primatenverlag, Lunatic City 5776
- Frieden den Verlorenen -